Saturday, August 16, 2008

1 more day of warped left!

I can't believe its already here. The end! 

im feeling a mixture of excitement and sadness. I am going to miss all the people i have met and spent everyday with the past 2 months soo much. Especially the boys in pierce the veil that we shared a bus with. They are pretty much my brothers now. but i know all our paths will cross again. besides. i get to go back to michigan and stay with jason for the next month then i still have another month off till we go back out for our headliner in the fall.
i could not be more stoked!!!

and im so in love

life is beyondd amazing.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

damn. i need this.


we got this in an email this morning:

"So I am listening to the radio yesterday and 93.3 did this whole story on how Coldplay is so known Worldwide and how they out sold everyone with their disc release… in EVERY US state… except for Colorado where this “little group from Boulder” named 3Oh!3 out sold them!!  Seriously…that is so RAD!!  Good work!"


Saturday, June 28, 2008

warped tour is the best time of my life!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

i leave flint tomorrow for chicago, then i fly out to california on friday to start warped. holy shit bring on the summmmmer. its gonna be tizzzzy.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


add me foolz. and someone teach me how this shit works?!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


i leave chicago on tuesday for Flint to stay with Jason for 2 weeks. yay!

my bloody gash of a night

 Amanda's roomate fell on me off a ladder throwing me onto the floor and split open my head on the corner of a brick wall. no health insurance. ER at 3:30am. 4 staples in the head. check check itt.




Photobucketthe aftermath. 4 staples to the dome!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

its only just the beginning <3

happy 1 month to me and jason!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

colt 45 and 2 zig zags, baby thats all we need.

jason had a layover in chicago yesterday on his way home and i went out to see him. He totally missed his flight (what i was hoping for!!) so we went back into the city ate at chicago diner, went to paul frank/american apparel and then walked to the pelican/circa/thrice show last night. it was sunny all day then it rained so hard, it was the perfect day. then i took him home this morning. he's the best thing thats happened to me in a long time. our one month anniversary is on tuesday!

my parents will be here next weekend. we're going to a cubs game and gonna do all the fun lil touristy stuff. then i leave the following tuesday for michigan to stay with J, then 2 weeks later im off on warped for the summer.

my life is the f'realz.