Thursday, January 29, 2009

angela told me something today that changed my life.

Live in the Present.

I am already feeling better about life again. I am on my way back up to the top!
also, i got a pair of cute new boots for FREE today from target cause the woman forgot to ring them in and i didn't realize till i was out of the store!

video chatting is my new favorite thing. let's do it. [that's what she said]

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

i think i was meant to be a vampire

and i secretly wish i could be one....only to marry edward cullen, though. haha okay but seriously though. vampires don't need sleep. i wish i didn't need sleep. the feeling that there is not enough time in a day has hit harder than ever before.

i have been going through a ton of changes in my life. pretty much everyone around me gets drunk pretty much every night. not that i am hating whatsoever, i'm just at a different point in my life and i wish i had a friend to hang sober with me. do yoga, cook with, go on roadtrips, go on picture adventures with. you know, the yewge.
sigh. i miss chicago more than i can put into words. i wish i could move back tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

3am thoughts.

I am starting to think that I never really learned how to be social without alcohol.

I am changing sober day (and a few drunk days here and there) at a time.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

nutrition for life

I never thought I would say this, but, i want to go back to school so bad.

for either:

A. naturopathic medicine


B. natural foods nutrition/health

i also want to learn how to be a natural foods chef!! So I can teach people what foods to eat in order to alleviate certain ailments.

Just looking at all these schools and classes online is getting my panties in a bunch!

I’ll wait until I am done touring and Jason and I know where exactly we want to settle down. but GAH I wanna go now!

Monday, January 19, 2009

great morning.

i just got off the phone with Jason about an hour ago. He called me at 4am. That’s 8 hours on the phone! I could never do that with anyone else. I love that boy more than life itself. I have never had a relationship come so natural. I finally found someone who can peel back all those layers and expose my most raw of emotions. Someone who understands me. and the best part? It’s mutual. I feel so content and have never been more certain about my future.